Whale Shark Watching

Like what i said in my previous post, c0nie, naldo (c0nie's brother), naldo's c0worker, c0nie's aunt and their c0usin, irene and i went to tan-awan to go whale shark watching!
Yehey! Im really happy i was able to go there because i had s0o0o0o0o0o0o0o much fun at 0.00 php c0st! Sounds great right?Ü
The lodging was supp0sedly a minus 650 php fr0m my budget.
this is where we drop off from oslob
this is the entrance. we didnt ask us to pay the fee though
Whale watching and swimming c0uld have c0st me 500 php but i got it at zero expense. C0nie's aunt sh0uldered the payment of the ro0m and c0nie payed my whale shark adventure for just 30php. That's because locals pay 30php 0nly. Hehe! And i g0t free super delici0us meals to0!
can you tell how ecstatic i was???
sitting waiting for the orientation to start..
When we arrived in tan-awan, we joined the orientati0n then payed the fee. We b0arded the b0at and the b0atman to0k us to the sea where the whale shark were. It wasnt l0ng bef0re the whale sharks swam to our side.
Irene and i were swimming when conie shouted at me that the shark was coming my way. i dipped my head to see if it was true and thanks to my memory, i could still remember it vividly!
conie and naldo told me to just stay at the back when they pay the ticket
the tourists: me, irene, conie and her aunt :)
It was swimming t0wards me. I was stoned in ast0nishment to see h0w big and scary its head. it looked so vicious that all i could do was scream and swim for the life out of me.
irene's life vest :)
It was like 4ft away fr0m me thats why i didnt have en0ugh time to calm myself and remember what the orientati0n discussed ab0ut what to do when this happens. I s0rt of scream and hurriedly pull myself out of the water.hahaha! it was then i realized that everyone was laughing at me.
i was thinking that i should take pictures as much as my battery can...
for the love of God, please dont let my cellphone die on me..
the last picture i took before my cellphone finally gave in.. goodbye butanding. no pictures for you. but ill grab some from conie's cam. ill update this :)
Though i got tan, scared and all, it's ok c0z i had a great time anyway! Ü for the love of God, if i have my 1st pay, id like to treat my c0usins back to that place.ü

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