so sick

-catharsis: that's what i do in my blogs.

-i have never felt so tired since i graduated from college.

-i feel like i am being wean off from comfort and i feel terribly tired of life.

-every number to my age is like a ticking bomb countdown.

-everytime i think about what i must do, i feel like being forced yet i can do nothing about it.

-have you ever felt so exhausted?

-i am.

-i heard, stop complaining and just do what you i have to do.

-i saw in one of the advertisements on tv that one must have a goal to keep going in life, what shall be mine?

-i received a tx msg from my friend, zoe, that saying ur alright to hide the pain and act like u r strong is also one suave way of dying insane.

-i feel like i am near getting there.

-i am suffocated in being an adult!

-can i just hate have life?


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